My thoughts on the new Star Wars trailer

First, let’s talk about the first 30 seconds.


There is an ominous voice talking, which I’m speculating is Supreme Leader Snoke talking to Kylo Ren. He’s talking about the power that he’s seen, presumably in Kylo Ren. After his little speech, it switches to Rey activating a Lightsaber. Then it fades to black.

Lucasfilm logo. Then, it has a montage of Rey walking using the force and exploring the planet Luke Skywalker is on (Ahch-To). She’s talking to Luke, and by the way she’s speaking, it sounds like she’s asking him to help her with her training in the Force.            “I’ve seen this raw strength only once before. It didn’t scare me enough then. It does now.” Luke says. The trailer then shows Luke’s robotic hand rising from a burning heap of wood, then his hand on R2-D2 as he watches a building burn. Wow. So, what does it mean? Well… (spoilers for Star Wars 7 ahead!)

In the Force Awakens, we learn that Han and Leia sent their kid, Ben Solo (presumably named after Ben Kenobi), to train with Luke in the Force. It didn’t go too well. Ben Solo learns of his grandfather (Darth Vader), and how much power he had on the Dark Side. He feels the call to the Dark Side, then leaves Luke. Ben Solo becomes the powerful Sith, Kylo Ren, after learning how to use the power of the dark side. Throughout the events of 7, we see Kylo Ren feel a call back to the Light, but remembers the legacy of Darth Vader as fuel to be a Sith. So, what does this have to do with this part of the trailer?


This shows what happened when Kylo left his training with Luke. He burned down the training facility and left Luke to die (but Luke didn’t). Luke then leaves everything to go to live on Ahch-To alone, where Rey finds him in the last minute of The Force Awakens. So, the narrative I can draw from this so far, is that at the end of 7, Rey goes to train with Luke, but he’s hesitant, due to how much power he senses in Rey, and the last time he’d seen so much power was in his failed pupil, Ben Solo (Kylo Ren), and doesn’t want a repeat of the tragedy that gave birth to one of the galaxy’s most feared Siths, Kylo Ren. (I’m going to say this now, this is all speculation. I could be galaxies away from the truth here)                                                                                                                                          My speculation raises a few questions. 1. If Kylo turned to the Dark Side because of learning his legacy and the power of the dark side, and that’s why he became a Sith (presuming Luke knows that Ben became a Sith for that reason), does Luke know something about Rey’s family? We aren’t given any clues to whom Rey’s parents are, other than their not here anymore. 2. Is Luke even talking about Kylo Ren when he says he’s afraid of Rey’s power? For all we know, Luke could be talking about Darth Vader, and how he wasn’t as scared of fighting him as he is of training Rey. This could make sense, because it was Vader’s power that drove Ben to leave Luke. Is he afraid this is going to happen with Rey, and have a powerful force user become a Sith? 3. When it shows Luke putting his hand on R2-D2, is that when Luke gives him the map with the missing piece? If that’s the case, how would Luke give the part of the map that’s missing to BB-8? Who did Luke want to discover his location?


Anyways, after Luke turns and walks away, the trailer shifts to Kylo Ren’s mask, which he takes off and hits it against a wall. “Let the past die,” he says. “Kill it, if you have to.” He says this as he drives his ship into the rebel mothership. You see his only surviving parent, Princess Leia Organa, turn towards the camera. “That’s the only way to become what you were meant to be.” A targeting software shows the middle of the mothership, probably where Leia is. The camera pans to the firing button, and then to Kylo’s face. He toughens his face as the scene goes black, then showing Leia’s face looking concerned. Again, wow. (Star Wars 7 spoilers ahead, too)                                                                                                                  In Star Wars 7, Kylo Ren kills Han Solo, his father. It wouldn’t be crazy to assume he’s doing the same to his mother. The reason? Well, I think Kylo explains it pretty well himself. “Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to. That’s the only way to become what you were meant to be.” Kylo believes that he is meant to be a Sith, based on the power of his grandfather. In Star Wars 7, he often feels the call to the Light, which he stops by being reminded of his grandfather. If he really believes that he needs to be a Sith, he’s trying to sever all ties to the Light, his parents.

This Christmas (it’s actually released on December 15…). Then, we see the Millennium Falcon charge forward into a tunnel, being followed by TIE Fighters. Chewbacca is flying the Falcon in Han’s absence, with a mysterious little creature also. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. The new adorable Star Wars creature makes its debut in Star Wars 8. The porgs!!!

Then, it has some spaceships flying. It shows Poe Dameron, the Rebel Pilot from The Force Awakens, inside a spaceship as more spaceships explode around him. “We are the spark that will light the fire that will burn the First Order Down,” says Poe as it shows more things exploding in lots of flame. That’s the key word this segment is showing. Fire. Immediately it cuts to Finn battling Captain Phasma (who we really didn’t see all that much during The Force Awakens) on a burning platform with tons of *fire* burning stuff up in the background, adding more fuel (see what I did there?) to the fire aspect of this segment. So, what does this mean for these characters?

First, Captain Phasma survives in The Force Awakens. Somehow she got out of the trash compactor (a call-back to the original trilogy) and flew out of the destroyed wreck of the Starkiller Base on her own. With Finn fighting her, that means Finn is also alive and well after having his spine destroyed by Kylo Ren at the end of The Force Awakens (also, previous trailers show him recovering in a healing unit). If Finn is now alive and well, will there be any consequences to his injury? What bearing does this have on the story? There seems to be little to no consequence from his injury, showing how mobile he is by him swinging an electric melee weapon, similar to the one he has to defend against when Maz Kanata’s place is blown up and attacked by the First Order. So, his injury is a means to forward the story, it seems. In The Force Awakens, his spine is slashed by Kylo, and in turn, Rey uses the Force to avenge Finn, learning that she is strong in the Force, causing her to find Luke’s whereabouts, and, as we see in this trailer, asks him to mentor her (which he is reluctant to do).                                                                                                   “This is not going to go the way you think!” Says an unidentified voice. “Fulfill your destiny,” says another voice, this time, being confirmed as Supreme Leader Snoke. While the two voices are saying this, there are a bunch of scenes that flash past. First, it shows BB-8, the spherical droid from 7, in the top of an X-Wing, similar to how R2-D2 used to ride with Luke in the original trilogy. Then, it shows another alien animal, this time, an ice wolf of some kind (that looks kind of similar to an Alolan Ninetales from Generation 7 of Pokemon…).

It’s in front of a hangar on an ice planet, and inside of the hangar, there’s a person that looks like Princess Leia, turning her face away. Then, there’s someone dropping into water, and then pulls herself up onto a rock, revealing that it’s Rey. Then, it has Finn being brought into a First Order base of some sort. Then, it has some Rebel Vs. First Order ship battles, on a planet that’s surface is white, but whenever anything hits it, it blows red dust up into the air, which a lot of things hit the surface. It’s got X-Wings and TIE Fighters crashing into it, and a new type of ship that has a little appendage pointing downward that cuts the surface, leaving a trail of red dust in its wake. Then, it has Snoke finally say “Destiny,” as part of this entire segment. He’s holding out his hand, and it cuts to Rey, her feet on the ground, being forced backwards into a very uncomfortable looking limbo, where it looks as if Snoke is torturing her, much like how Kylo Ren did in The Force Awakens. There’s a lot to analyze here. So…

Princess Leia turning her head is symbolic looking, so maybe she knows her fate? It looks like Rey falling into water is some part of what she does on Ahch-To, because, for the most part, it’s a watery planet (based on Iceland or Greenland). Then, it seems as if Finn is brought under arrest by the First Order, because he escaped the First Order’s Star Destroyer-looking ship with a First Order prisoner with valuable information, Poe Dameron, the same pilot from earlier, kicking off the events of Star Wars 7. Because Finn was a Stormtrooper before, he can be charged with treason by the First Order, so he’s captured so he can’t give out any more classified First Order information. Then, it has the dusty white and red planet that’s been shown in every trailer, and even referenced in the new movie poster. Maybe this is a very important battle, where the one of the sides of the battle is crushed pretty badly by the other? I’m thinking it’s going to be the Rebels getting crushed, because this is supposed to be the Empire Strikes Back sort of deal, where it ends with the enemy having the upper hand, giving more pressure to Luke (or Rey, in this case) to return and save his friends (and in Luke’s case, his family), so this battle could be the turning point where the First Order starts to get more organized and start dealing with the Rebels, and winning. I can’t say much about Rey being tortured, other than it seems like this movie is giving a bigger role to Supreme Leader Snoke as a threat, and more character to Kylo Ren.

And then there’s the last segment.

It shows Rey, in a dark room, speaking. “I need someone to show me my place in all of this.” Then, the scene cuts to Kylo, where he offers his hand. This makes it look as if Rey is accepting help from the dark side sometime during this film, but the way the camera cuts, not pans, and the 2 very different ways the scenes are lit, I think that Disney is trying to get us to think Rey is trying to get help from a Sith, but is actually not. But, like I said, I could be far, far away from the truth.

This trailer makes me super excited for Star Wars VIII, and shows off what this movie is. The dark, Empire Strikes Back sort of movie, where the Light starts to lose and hope gets thin. It also revealed my favorite Star Wars alien, the porgs, and shows some of what’s behind Kylo Ren’s madness, and the threat and influence of Snoke. So, I can draw theories and parallels, but I’ll never know what really happens until the movie comes out December 15 in theatres. The wait seems too long…

Watch the trailer here! –>



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