
Media: Audio

Uses: Updates from the classroom, professional reflection, advertising, etc

Examples: Carlton radio show,


  1. First, you will need a good-quality microphone, because if your audio quality isn’t great, listeners won’t come back. I use a Blue Snowball, because it plugs right into any PC or Mac, but any condenser-type microphone should be acceptable.
  2. On the software side, I use Audacity, a free cross-platform audio recorder. It’s easy to use and comes with some advanced functions.
  3. Process:
    1. Record your audio and add bumpers (clips that play before and after the show) and any music you want to use. Export as an MP3.
    2. Upload your MP3 file to somewhere that generates an RSS feed (like a blog).
    3. Take the RSS feed to Feedburner and paste it in the “Burn a feed” field and check the “I am a podcaster” box.  Pick a name for your podcast and skip to management. Go to the optimize tab and choose SmartCast and click “Include iTunes podcasting elements.” Fill out the form and save.
    4. Open iTunes and submit your Feedburner link to the iTunes store (click here).
    5. Wait for an email from Apple telling you that your podcast has been approved.
    6. Publicize your Podcast using Apple’s link maker and post it on your social media accounts.
    7. Repeat 1 & 2 each time you want a new episode.

Why: Audio is a great medium for things like interviews and quick updates. Additionally, publishing a podcast means that listeners get automatically-downloaded updates every time you make new content.


  1. Podcasts work best when new content is generated regularly. Make a schedule to create new episodes and stick by it.
  2. Apple has a number of suggestions on formulating your podcast feeds that you can find here, but most will be taken care of by Feedburner.


Header image credit: Radio (Podcast) Days by Sergio Alvarez